50 Things to Do While Commuting

The views people have on commuting time can vary from person to person. For some, being on public transport or driving is the perfect moment to do nothing and reflect on their day. For others, commuting time is something one should take advantage of, whether it’s for being productive, entertaining oneself, or even relaxing.

If you’re in the second group, let me tell you that you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share with you a list of fifty things you can do while commuting. My goal is to help you find activities that allow you to make the most of the time you spend traveling from home to work and vice versa.

Here we go!

Disclaimer: Most of the ideas shared on this blog post are intended for those who commute using public transportation since driving requires all your focus and attention. However, if you want to make your driving experience more enjoyable, I listed some ideas to relax and entertain yourself while driving safely.

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50 things to do while commuting
Photo by Alex Azabache on Pexels.com

15 ways to entertain yourself while commuting

Commuting time is the perfect moment to distract and entertain yourself. Here are some things you can do to have fun while commuting.

  1. Listen to a music album or EP you haven’t listened to before.
  2. Play mobile games.
  3. Read a novel or a comic book.
  4. Read lifestyle blogs or online magazines.
  5. Listen to inspirational TED Talks.
  6. Watch short films on YouTube or Vimeo.
  7. Learn about a new culture.
  8. Read short stories on Wattpad.
  9. Use a language learning app like Duolingo.
  10. Watch YouTube or TikTok videos related to a hobby.
  11. Watch online stand-up comedy shows.
  12. Take online personality quizzes.
  13. Explore virtual art galleries.
  14. Write short stories or poems.
  15. Play with and take care of a virtual pet or Tamagotchi.

5 things to do while driving

Keeping in mind that driving is an activity that requires all your attention, here’s a list of things you can do to make it more enjoyable.

  1. Listen to informative radio stations.
  2. Discover new music on the radio.
  3. Listen to your favorite podcast.
  4. Listen to inspirational talks.
  5. Play recordings of nature sounds.

15 productive things to do while commuting

Do you want to take your commuting time as an opportunity to be even more productive? If so, here’s a list of things you can do.

  1. Read blogs related to the industry you work in.
  2. Plan and organize your day or week.
  3. Establish goals.
  4. Study or read books that help you develop new skills.
  5. Listen to educational podcasts.
  6. Answer e-mails.
  7. Create a to-do list.
  8. Work on a secret project.
  9. Review your budget, expenses, and financial goals.
  10. Brainstorm new ideas for work, personal projects, or creative endeavors.
  11. Explore educational TED Talks.
  12. Stay informed about emerging trends in your field of work or study.
  13. Work on updating or refining your digital portfolio.
  14. Learn about productivity and time management.
  15. Read the news or listen to the radio to stay informed.

15 ways to relax before and after work or university/school

Whether you believe it or not, you can take your commuting time as an opportunity to relax. Here are some things you can do to unwind before and after work or school.

  1. Write your thoughts and dreams in your journal.
  2. Sketch or doodle.
  3. Listen to nature sounds or relaxing music.
  4. Use a gratitude app.
  5. Create a digital vision board.
  6. Watch or listen to ASMR (but don’t fall asleep).
  7. Practice breathing exercises.
  8. Practice positive affirmations in your mind.
  9. Listen to guided imagery sessions.
  10. Bring along a coloring book.
  11. Solve crossword puzzles or Sudoku
  12. Play calming mobile games.
  13. Plan and daydream about your future projects.
  14. Read inspiring quotes.
  15. Listen to inspirational TED Talks.

Final thoughts

Now that you have an idea of the many things you can do while commuting, I would love to know what you think. Which one of these ideas attracted you the most? Is there something that you like to do but it’s not on this list? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section. There are no wrong answers!

I hope this blog post was helpful to you. If you liked it, please share it with your friends on social media and subscribe to my blog using the form below. 

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